My Christmas Favorites

Everyone has their favorite things around the holidays. It seems like every year I keep coming back to my  top ten. Even as I get older, I still love the same things at Christmas time.

  1. Family Time– Spending time with loved ones is my absolute favorite part of Christmas. You are reminded how lucky you are to have all those amazing people in your life.
  2. The Grinch– I have always loved the grinch! My Christmas tree is full of Grinch ornaments and we watch both Grinch movies every year. There is something about it, that makes my heart warm. When Jason and I open presents at our house, we usually have How The Grinch Stole Christmas playing in the background.
  3. Gift Giving– Giving gifts is one of my favorite ways to show love. It is definitely one of my love languages. Starting at Black Friday, I usually beg people to give them a gift. If you tell me what you got someone else, I probably will end up telling them or showing them what it is. I do not do this to ruin Christmas, it just slips out because I am soooooooo excited.
  4. Christmas Music– I am one of those people who start listening to Christmas music right before Thanksgiving. My favorite songs are You’re A Mean One, Mr. Grinch, Christmas/ Sarajevo (by Trans-Siberian Orchestra), O Holy Night, “Run, Run, Rudolph”, and many…many…more. I am listening to the Home Alone soundtrack as I write this post.
  5. A White Christmas– Bing Crosby got it right! Christmas just does not seem like Christmas without snow. My favorite is when it snows overnight and you wake up on Christmas morning to a winter wonderland.
  6. Christmas Pajamas– There is nothing better than throwing on a festive pair of pajamas for the holiday season. I usually start wearing mine around Thanksgiving.
  7. Shopping– This goes along with gift giving. I really enjoy picking out the perfect present for the special people in my life. It is also super fun to just walk around the decorated malls and listen to the Christmas music playing. We are pretty lucky to be so close to the Mall Of America. They really go all out with the Christmas decor.
  8. Christmas Drinks– I don’t know about you, but I could easily live off an all liquid diet. During the holidays, I love to drink miels, homemade hot cocoa, hot apple cider (with a cinnamon stick), and this super yummy cranberry cider/tea drink my dad makes.
  9. Snuggles– Cuddling is always my favorite thing to do, but there is something amazing about snuggling up on the couch in front of the Christmas tree with cozy blankets, hot cocoa, and my wonderful hubby. Remmy is usually part of the snuggles as well!
  10. Feeling the Christmas Tingles–  This is probably a “just me” thing. This time of year there is so much love and magic happening all around us. For example, last week Jason took me on a date to look at Christmas lights. We walked around this little park in the middle of St. Paul that was covered in beautiful lights. There were children having a snowball fight, two adorable couples taking wedding photos in the snow, and families laughing and smiling. Now that type of moment gives me the Christmas tingles!

The worst part about Christmas is when it is over. I would love to hear what your Christmas favorites are.  Comment below!

